Body Treatments
Accent™ is a revolutionary non-invasive radiofrequency technology which targets both skin and fatty tissue under skin and stimulates collagen regrowth and gives patients firmer, younger looking skin. Advanced dual-layer thermotherapy technology treats different layers of skin which works to improve fine lines and wrinkles while shrinking the fat cells underneath by gently heating deep tissues. This procedure refreshes and revitalizes the skin and reshapes the body.
The Accent machine uses Radio Frequency technology which has been designed exclusively for cosmetic use.The heat produced by the system causes instant tightening of collagen and increases collagen production in the dermis.
The treatment is ideal for face and neck remodelling, tightening and lifting flaccid areas of the face, reduce wrinkles, increase luminosity of the skin, body remodelling and cellulites, tightening areas of loose skin on the body, cellulite on arms, thighs, abdomen and buttocks. The Accent is currently the only Radio Frequency system in the UK which has full F.D.A. approval.

Eliminate Unwanted Fat
Has diet and exercise left you without results? Do you have a stubborn area that you can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard you try? Rid your body of stubborn fat in as little as three treatments with the brand-new UltraShape Power.
What Is The Power Of UltraShape?
UltraShape is the first and only FDA-cleared, non-invasive body-shaping procedure to use focused, pulsed ultrasound energy waves to selectively and permanently destroy fat cells. The treatment is non-surgical and completely free of anesthetics or incisions.
The emitted ultrasound energy waves break up the fat cells that then exit the body naturally. Unlike other fat-reduction procedures that use heat or freeze fat, UltraShape is virtually painless and leaves no unwanted signs of treatment, which means you can head right back to your normal activities
SHR or “super hair removal”, is the latest in laser hair removal equipment, technologically advanced for fast, effective and virtually painless hair removal. It is effective on virtually any area of the body. It is suitable for all skin types and is very popular due to its low-heat settings making it very safe and comfortable, unlike other hair removal techniques.
SHR is delivered via a hand held device operated by our trained technicians. It is always in motion and fires multiple shots (flashes of light) but at low Joules (energy). Research has shown that a slower, but longer heating process is considerably more effective for permanent hair reduction than high and short levels of energy. Using low energy but a high rate of repetition, the hair melanin, as well as the tissue of the stem cells, is heated with low energy at a slow pace and over a longer period of time to a comfortable temperature of 45 degrees Celsius.
Hair growth occurs in stages: 1) Early anagen, which is the onset of hair growth, followed by anagen, the active growth phase of hair follicles. During anagen, the root of the hair is dividing rapidly, adding to the hair shaft. During this phase the hair grows about 1 cm every 28 days. 2) catagen, which occurs after anagen, at the end of hair growth; and 3) telogen, when hair is resting and not growing. In order to insure that the hair follicle is being targeted at the various stages of hair growth, SHR hair reduction treatments are recommended in 4 week intervals. A gradual notice in the decline in hair population will be noticed, and before you know it you will be hair free! The average number of sessions needed can vary from 8-12. Rejuvenation clinic has recently acquired this technology, providing excellent results and extremely pleased patients

Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the upper arms, resulting in a more toned and youthful appearance. This procedure is often sought after by individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, aging, or genetic factors leading to 'bat wings' or sagging upper arms.
During a brachioplasty, an incision is made either on the inside of the arm or on the back, depending on the surgeon's assessment and patient's preference. The length and pattern of the incision also depends on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed.
Why Arm Lift?
Dissolvable stitches
Local Anesthesia

There are many patients who wish to have a fuller, rounder buttock area. This procedure is performed with local anesthesia. Fat tissue is removed from the patient using a liposuction procedure. Then, this fat tissue is inserted into the buttock areas in a predetermined fashion, as discussed by our surgeon and the patient to achieve the patient’s goals.
Why Lipo Tranfer?
No stitches
Local Anesthesia
Also known as abdominal etching or liposculpture, this is a very popular procedure that thins the layer of outer abdominal fat in key areas to create a more chiseled appearance. During the “Ab etching” surgical procedure, the surgeon suctions out the fat around your abdominal muscular structure and then sculpts the abdomen along the natural contours of the abdominal muscles.

In some cases where diet and exercise are just not enough to get rid of excess fat and skin from the midsection, tummy tuck surgery may be the answer for you. Abdominoplasty is a procedure where not only excess fat and skin are removed from the abdominal section but also abdominal muscles are tightened to give a flatter appearance. If you have recently had dramatic weight loss and are at your goal weight, or if you have given birth creating this situation and thereby creating your dissatisfaction, you might be a good candidate for this procedure. During the procedure, incisions are made horizontally across the lower abdomen. The scar incision is made as farther down as possible to hide the incision with underwear or swimsuit bottoms. Excess fat is removed and the surgeon tightens the abdominal muscles and secures them in their new position. Another incision is made to allow the belly button to me moved. Excess skin is removed and the incision is sutured closed. In some cases, if you have little skin to be removed, as in a “small pouch”, you might be a candidate for a partial abdominoplasty. In this case, the original position of your belly button will remain intact, as well as your abdominal muscles.The surgeon studies and determines the areas with excess skin that when removed, will provide the optimal results for the patient. Additional procedures, such as liposuction or breast surgery can be done at this time. Whatever the technique that is chosen for your particular case, you will be fitted in an elastic compression garment that must be worn for a few weeks and pain medication will be prescribed to aid in any discomfort. Post surgical consultations and regular follow up continues throughout your recuperation.
Liposuction is a way to enhance results of fitness regimens and diet, and should not be used as a weight loss method in and of itself. A good candidate for liposuction are those who are healthy and seeking to remove small amounts of fat from almost any part of the body, the most popular being abdomen, waist, arms, chin neck and thighs. Tumescent liposuction is a method where saline solution and anesthetic are delivered to the area targeted for liposuction via injection. This solution will aid doctors in the removal of fat cells with minimal bleeding and without damage to surrounding tissue. After the procedure, bandages are applied to incision sites and a compression garment must be worn for a few weeks. This garment helps the skin adhere to the treated area. Any discomfort can be treated with pain medication. Any bruising and swelling will diminish with time and will greatly depend on the specific area treated, the fat tissue removed and the patients individual healing process.

The severity of the condition and the associated signs and symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. Whether the cause is excess fat, enlarged breast tissue, or excess skin left after weight loss, plastic surgery can help.
The type of breast implant makes it possible to customize an implant to a woman’s breast shape and body type for a more natural and aesthetic look. Breast augmentation surgery can be done for a number of reasons, including correction of small breasts, to balance the size of an uneven breast or to regain fullness of the breast that might be lost due to pregnancy and aging. Whatever the reason being, there are numerous techniques that may be implemented, depending on the patient’s body type, along with our doctor’s recommendation. In some cases, breast augmentation is complemented with a breast lift to better achieve these aesthetic goals. Once the incision is made, the surgeon will carefully create a pocket beneath the breast tissue or in some cases the chest muscle and insert the breast implant. After the procedure, patient will be bandaged and dressed, and will need to use a special support bra that is worn for a few weeks, as this will aid in healing. Postoperative discomfort is managed with pain medication. Postoperative patients are monitored closely and given subsequent consultations after this procedure which includes removal of stitches.
Our surgeon prefers to use Mentor implants. Mentor is highly regarded, manufacturing some of the finest breast implants available in the medical profession.

There are many factors that can cause a woman’s breast to lose youthful volume. Whether it be weight loss, pregnancy, aging or simply the natural shape of your breast that can cause a patient’s dissatisfaction, a breast lift can restore a more youthful appearance and help restore a woman’s confidence. Women with moderate to severe sagging may need to undergo a breast lift. After initial consultation with the cosmetic surgeon, the surgeon will determine the optimal breast surgery technique for you based on your anatomical features. After the incisions are made, the surgeon will remove any excess skin and lift the breast tissue to a more aesthetic position, repositioning the nipple to its new location. As with breast enlargement, patients are bandaged and given a special support bra and recovery instructions are very similar. Discomfort and pain are managed with medication. If you would like to learn more about breast lift surgeries, make an appointment to see our cosmetic surgeon, or contact us for any further questions.
Our Cozumel Rejuvenation Clinic offers the latest in CoolSculpting technology for non-invasive body contouring. Our state-of-the-art equipment is designed to help you achieve a more sculpted and toned body without surgery or downtime. Contact us today to book your personalized consultation and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you

Gigantomastia is a rare condition where your breasts become excessively large. It can cause pain, infection, discomfort and issues with body image. Your healthcare provider can treat gigantomastia with breast reduction surgery or medication.
Breast reduction surgery reduces the size of your breasts by removing fat, skin and other tissues. People seek breast reduction for different reasons including neck or back pain and self-esteem. It’s an outpatient procedure, but you’ll need to take some time away from work or school to recover.